Information de Chocobo

Project Wark is nice, but what exactly is a chocobo? To put it simply, a chocobo is a rather large bird, ostrich-like in anatomy, that is found in the world of Final Fantasy. If you don't know what Final Fantasy is, go look it up on Google and then get back to me.

Before reading, be warned that this page may contain spoilers for various Final Fantasy games. Read at your own risk.

Types of Chocobos

Language of Chocobos

Secrets of Chocobos

A sample chocobo

The main use of the birds is transportation. In the games, chocobos are commonly used by your party to travel around the world map without the burden of random battles. There are many types of chocobos which vary their usefulness in this capacity.

The typical chocobo The wild chocobo is generally yellow of plumage. This type of chocobo can carry a party around on ordinary terrain. They usually need to be caught wild, and will run away when released. They are very useful nonetheless.

The blue chocobo Blue chocobos come in two shades. The river chocobo, which is the one pictured, can carry a party over shallow rivers. In some games, such as FFIX, the darker coloured ocean chocobo can carry the party through deep water as well. These birds cannot be found in the wild. Check a FAQ for details on getting them in your game.

The green chocobo Green chocobos are mountain chocobos. In FFVII, they can climb steep terrain that lesser varieties cannot reach. Like their blue brethen, they cannot be obtained in the wild. As above, see a FAQ for details.

The black chocobo The black chocobo changes purposes as it changes games. In FFIV, it flies your party around, landing only in forested areas. In FFVII, it is a combination of mountain and river chocobo traits, so it can cross any terrain except deep water. To my knowledge, they can be found in the wild only in FFIV.

The gold chocobo The rarest of all chocobos! This elite bird can cross any terrain, including oceans, in FFVII. It can even fly, in FFIX! This is the greateast bird imaginable, as far as transportation goes. See a FAQ for details.

There are also miscellaneous varieties of chocobo. The white chocobo of FFIV could replenish the party's MP. The red chocobo of FFIX was a mountain chocobo, just like the black version of FFVII. Finally, the Fat Chocobo (or Chubby chocobo) serves as a ruler of the birds, so to speak. It serves different functions in different games, but its supremacy is never challenged! Find the Fat Chocobo today!

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Ride 'em chocobo

The language of the birds is a complex one. It seems to include two separate dialects, one 'wark' and the other 'kweh'.

The Wark dialect: This form of chocospeak consists mainly of one word. W-A-R-K. However, the emphasis on a certain letter of the word changes its pronounciation completely. Repetition also has an effect.
For example.. warrrrrrrk is more of a warbling sound, whereas WARKKK! is a sharper one. There's a world of difference between each utterance of the wark. Take the time to learn well!

Hi -> Wark.
How are you? -> Wark?
I'm happy! -> Wark!
I'm hungry! -> Warkk!
What?? -> Wark??
White chocobos rule us all!! -> WarKKK!!
The meaning of life is.... -> ...Wark.

The Kweh dialect: The alternate form of chocospeak is no less complex than the previous. This time, the founding letters ae K-W-E-H. Subtle differences are present in usage of this dialect, and the repetition of syllables is more prevalent. It seems to have evolved among treasure-hunting chocobos.

Kwweh... -> I'm bored...
Kweh. -> Everything's normal.
Kweh?! -> Something's up!
Kw-kkweh?!! -> We're really onto something!!

To summarize, chocospeak is not for the easily confused. Only the true chocobo fanatic can ever hope to fully understand the language. This task is, natuarally, beyond the scope of human possibility. For interpretation, seek out the Moogles. Moogle assistance can turn the average human chocofan into a passable chocolinguist with relative ease. Amazing, isn't it? Wark! Kweh! Kupo!!

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Bishounen and Bird
Like all mystical creatures, chocobos have their secrets. Only through intense research and interviews has Project Wark been able to discover them. The fruits of this search is finally displayed for all to see! Read and enjoy!

Chocobo invulnerability

The standard FFVII yellow chocobo has more HP than the game's own final boss. Hard to believe? Consider the following:
The strongest summon in the game, the legendary Knights of the Round, is a spell capable of annhilating any monster or boss, save Ruby and Emerald Weapons, in a single casting. Even Sephiroth cannot survive it. However, casting Knights of the Round on a randomly encountered chocobo will not destroy the bird. The unbelievably strong creature will easily withstand the attack, then proceed to Chocobuckle the caster for all that wasted time and MP.
The logical conclusion: The ultimate FFVII enemy would be...*drumroll* CHOCOBO-Sephiroth! 0n that thought, imagine Choco-Marlboro, Choco-Tonberry, or Choco-Behemoth! Truly a fearsome assortment of indestructible monsters! Be grateful that the birds are non-confrontational at worst. It saves the party alot of trouble.

More Chocobo-secrets are yet to come as research progresses.

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Final Fantasy and chocobos belong to Squaresoft. Project Wark and the content of this site belong to Nanani. The various images were taken from the web, and belong to various people. Please do not steal the chocobos, on pain of CHOCOBUCKLE!